The RCTQ team shares some resource materials with the visiting team from the Bhutan Ministry of Education

A team from the Bhutan Ministry of Education visited the RCTQ and the DepEd National Capital Region on October 17-19, 2019.

Back in 2018, RCTQ assisted the Ministry the Bhutan Professional Standards for Teachers which is expected to help in the professional development of 9,500 Bhutanese teachers.

Their visit aimed to touch base with their Philippine partner and also get some insights on how to operationalize their own teacher standards in the context of their recruitment, remunerations, career development, promotion, and rewards and recognition.

The visiting team was composed of Ms. Tashi Llamo, Mr. Rinchen Dorji, Mr. Leki Phuntsho and Mr. Tshering Phuntsho.

RCTQ Director Dr. Gina Gonong shares updates on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) with the visiting Bhutanese team.

A team from the Bhutan Ministry of Education visited the RCTQ and the DepEd National Capital Region on October 17-19, 2019. Back in 2018, RCTQ assisted the Ministry the Bhutan Professional Standards for Teachers which is expected to help in the professional development of 9,500 Bhutanese teachers. Their visit aimed to...